Screaming Eagle Cigars is excited to offer a monthly premium cigar subscription service.
As a 100% veteran-owned and operated, brick and mortar lounge, we take pride in our brand and the community we serve.
Each month we will hand-select every cigar included with the subscription to ensure the quality of each cigar sent out to you.
If we send you a cigar, we have smoked the same cigar in the same size and can vouch that it is indeed a premium cigar.
We look forward to sharing our monthly selections with you, and our mission is consistently to provide you with a pleasant and fulfilling smoking experience month after month.
Two levels are available.
Enlisted Level $50 plus tax and shipping
The enlisted level package offers a selection of premium cigars with a retail value of over $60.
Officer Level $100 plus tax and shipping
The officer level offers a selection of premium cigars to include at least one super-premium cigar.
Also included may be at least one item related to cigars and the cigar-smoking lifestyle that is not tobacco, such as:
- shirts
- hats
- ashtrays
- lighters
- cutters
- accessories
The retail value of the cigars and lifestyle items included In the officer level package will exceed $120, making it an incredible value.
Packages Bonuses
Each month will include an information card that will break down the flavour proï¬le of each cigar, along with information on the country of origin, manufacturer, and size of the cigar.
Why Not Get Them Both?
While the officer level package may contain one or more of the same cigars included in the enlisted package, the two levels will be different enough that, if you chose to, you could order both levels and receive a nice variety of cigars every month with minimal duplicate cigars.
Subscription Details
Orders received by the 20th of every month will be shipped by the 7th day of the following month. If the 7th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the order will be shipped the following Monday.
Subscription will automatically renew on the 19th of each month unless canceled.
Must be 21 years of age or older to order. Not available outside of the United States of America.